Sunday, September 9, 2012

One week ago, today, I got engaged to the man I could not have hand-picked for myself -- because even I don't know myself THAT good.  I know it's a cliche, but this match had to be made in Heaven -- except it was technically made by my brother.  My brother Joe was getting ready for his senior prom, and his best friend Nathan didn't have a date.  He says, "Take my sister!"

We figured we'd just go as friends (and I was really kinda expecting it to be a little awkward) and that would be the end of it -- but this was no one night stand.  We really hit it off!
Well, I was 15 and 18, and my brilliant father saw the red flags on that one and made us wait the four months until I turned 16.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think any guy would wait around for me that long.
But he did.  A week after my birthday, he gathered up the courage to ask my dad for permission to go out with me.

A wonderful 3 years later (exactly!) he takes me up to a secluded hill at Maury County Park.

Well, one day (like a year ago) he had taken me up to this same secluded hill in the park and we had a picnic and danced under the sunset and it was sooo romantic (had my little chick flick moment!!)

Well  he took me back up there (even though it was muddy from the rain) and he had put together this slideshow of every picture we've ever taken together, and he set it to the music of "All My Life" which is the first song we danced to at his Senior prom, the night that changed everything, and he had the words to Beauty and the Beast, scrolling across, and while I'm watching this he's crouched down on one knee....
and then he's all like, "There's a reason I wanted to come to the park. It had to be here. This is where we started over. Erin, I love you so much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." And then he pops out this ring and he's all like, "Will you marry me?"
and there were these people parked like a football field away applauding us, and they congratulated us and hugged me and they're like complete strangers but it was REALLY REALLY COOL!!!

We want to wait until we're both finished with school to actually seal the deal, but that has me really excited -- let me tell you why!

He proposes after 3 years.  3 years later we'll actually get married.
And that gives me time to become the best possible version of myself -- because he deserves nothing less.
Thus this blog: becoming Mrs. Right.
Follow me on my journey over the next three years as I try my hardest to become a woman worthy of his dreams since he's already fulfilled mine.

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