Thursday, March 27, 2014

Premarital Bucket List

Well, I finally came to terms with the fact that senior year of college is going to be rough, and since we're (finally!!) getting married only a few months after graduation...we hired a wedding planner!

But gosh...what am I going to do with all the "free time" I would've spent planning my own wedding?

For a while now, Nathan and I have talked about making a list of things we want to do before getting married, SO here it goes: the Premarital Bucket List.

1. Go Skydiving
2. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
3. Have a Water Balloon Fight
4. Have a Paint Fight
5. Dance in the Rain
6. Watch the Sunrise AND the Sunset IN THE SAME DAY.
7. Get 365 Unique Pieces of Advice from Married Couples we Respect.
8. Make a Music Video
9. Go Fishing
10. Learn to Dance
11. Go to an Opera
12. Go to the Circus
13. Attend a Murder Mystery Event
14. Go to Every Mule Day Event
15. Eat Taco Bell's XXL Nachos

Basically like a Nachos Bell Grande (+ pico de gallo but bigger and guacamole) and more chips than there were toppings.  They weren't bad but I can't say I'm impressed. :^/

16. Go to Every Yard Sale in the Area on a Given Saturday.
      Purchase the weirdest/coolest (cheap) thing you find at each one.
17. Remake Childhood Photos
18. Learn to Eat with Chopsticks
19. Take Cheesy Photobooth Pictures
20. Carve Our Initials in the Balcony where He Proposed
21. Eat Vanilla Pudding out of Mayo Jars in Public
22. Play Laser Tag
23. Write Handwritten Letters to a Stranger
24. Draw all your Dreams for the Future in White Sidewalk Chalk
25. Make a Coat of Arms
26. Finish Meeting the Family
27. Eat at Medieval Times Restaurant
28. Walk on the Beach
29. Go to Disney World
30. Go to Harry Potter World
31. Buy/Rent our First Home
32. Take Pictures with Santa
33. Make a Floor Plan for our Dream Home
34. Go Ice Skating
35. Strengthen our Prayer Life Together

And this is just the beginning!
Did I miss something?  Drop me a comment with any suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. This could be a bucket list in general, why get it all done before you get married? I mean, some things make sense, like "finish meeting the family", but this list could be a great way to keep the spark alive over the years. :)
